2 oz. Strong coffee
2 oz. Irish Cream Liqueur
2 oz. Frangelico
2 oz. Irish Whiskey
Whipped Cream/pinch of nutmeg
In a footed coffee mug, add the Irish Cream, Irish Whiskey, and Frangelico. Add 2-4oz hot or cold coffee and top with Whipped Cream and nutmeg.
1/2 oz Mozart White Chocolate
1 t. maple syrup
1/4 c. brown sugar
1/4 c. whole pecans, toasted
2 oz heavy cream
1 oz Irish cream liquor
1 oz pecan whiskey
Dip champagne glasses rims first in maple syrup, and then brown sugar, and set aside
In an iced shaker add Mozart White Chocolate, cream, and pecan whiskey, more
1 oz Irish Cream 1/2 oz Creme de menthe 1 oz Kahlua 1/2 oz vodka
Fill shaker with ice, add all ingredients, shake well and strain into a chilled martini glass!
This Holiday Cookie Cocktail features Irishmans Reserve, Coffee Liqueur, Butterschnapps, and ice-cream all blended together to create the perfect dessert drink this holiday.
1/2 oz Irishmans Reserve1 oz Irish Cream1/2 oz Coffee Liqueur2 oz Half and Half1/2 oz Butterschnapps1 scoop vanilla ice cream
Blend all in a blender and pour into a more